A Services Company

"Specializing in high-quality CAD designs, reliable fasteners,
and tailored software solutions."

Services Offered

We offer services which can be broadly clubbed into 3 categories

CAD and Production Drawing

We specialize in high-quality 3D modeling services that cater to a variety of industries


Nuts, bolts, and washers of various types and sizes

Software Services

Data Analytics and Data Modelling and website building.

"We are a team of experienced mechanical and software engineers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions to our clients. Having already completed numerous successful freelancing projects, we are now focused on expanding our market in Europe."
Team @ ABGO

Project Highlights

Bobcat Design

Bob Cat Holder is a versatile and durable tool designed for secure handling and transportation of heavy-duty construction equipment

Threaded Bolt

A threaded bolt is a fastener consisting of a cylindrical shaft with helical grooves or threads, designed to be inserted into a corresponding threaded hole or nut.

Jet Engine

An RC jet engine is a compact and powerful propulsion system specifically designed for radio-controlled model aircraft, providing high-speed and realistic flight experiences